This is what happens to your body when you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning

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Water is vital for our body, as it is part of all body cells and fluids and an important component in metabolic processes and biochemical reactions. In addition, water helps regulate body temperature and helps the kidneys excrete metabolic waste products in the urine. A true elixir of life for our body that we should consume in sufficient quantities. But at certain times of the day, water affects the body differently. In the morning, for example. Read here what drinking water on an empty stomach does to you in the morning.

The metabolism improves
Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning boosts your metabolism and improves your digestive system. Scientists have discovered that energy consumption after drinking water increases by up to 24 percent in the following 60 minutes. A tip: Drinking warm water has even more benefits. It prevents wrinkles, relieves pain, and helps you lose weight.

The body is detoxified
At night, our body breaks down toxins that should be excreted naturally. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning helps the body eliminate harmful substances. In this way, the cells are sufficiently nourished by the water and are also cleansed simultaneously.

Help with indigestion and heartburn
If you suffer from indigestion, you probably have increased acidity in your stomach. If this acid enters the esophagus, it not only leads to an unpleasant taste in the mouth. It can also cause damage to your health over a longer time. So, if you drink water first thing in the morning, you dilute the acid and prevent heartburn.

Preventive measures against kidney stones and cystitis
Drinking enough water is also important to prevent kidney stones and cystitis. Kidney stones occur when the calcium or uric acid salts in the urine can no longer dissolve. Therefore, the risk of developing kidney stones is lower if the urine is as diluted as possible. The situation is similar to that of cystitis. The increased water supply increases the urine volume, and the pathogens are flushed out of the body more quickly.

Strengthening the immune system
The immune system also benefits from water on an empty stomach, as water intake helps keep the lymphatic system balanced. In addition, the mucous membranes are kept moist to protect against the penetration of pathogens.

A satisfying food
Are you hungry straight after waking up? Or maybe it’s thirst! Because the feeling of hunger is often mistaken for thirst,. Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, and you’ll be surprised at how long it takes to feel hungry.

More beautiful skin
Too little fluid leads to a poorer complexion with premature wrinkles and large pores in the long term. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning helps the skin retain moisture and stimulates blood circulation, making the skin more radiant.

More shine for your hair
Those who drink too little also risk negative effects on hair growth. Water accounts for a quarter of the weight of hair, which is why it needs to be moisturized. Insufficient water intake, therefore, leads to thin and brittle hair.

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